Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Aroma of the Heart

What scent does your heart leave when the day is over? The fragrance of Christ is the aroma of life to the living and the scent of death to the dying. You wonder why people cringe when you are around and you often listen to the lies of the enemy who says if everyone accepts you then you are on the right track and if people have a problem with you then you are the one that must be in the wrong. Some of us are so ready to take the blame for others. Oh my dear sisters this is co-dependency. We are not to blame for others and we are responsible for ourselves, our actions, our words, and the love we give. Co-dependency has a scent for certain but it is not pleasant, is oppressive. But Christ in us has a scent too and at times it doesn’t always seem pleasant to others around us and this scripture proves the wisdom of man wrong once more.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?” 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

I love this word! God has used it often to remind me that we all leave scents! My mother left a scent that stayed with me for years and there are times when I think I can still smell her. My father left a scent that all I have to do is reach for one of ball caps and I’m taken back many years. My LORD left a scent to and it resides in me and around me as a child of His. It is especially noticeable when we spend time with Him and bask in His presence.

The attitude of our hearts is the most affected when we have been with HIM. There is a tenderness, a gentleness that allows those who smell life to relax and breathe in deeply. This is one of the most exciting times in the life of believers. It’s almost animalistic; you know how they are all into “scents”.

My dog goes absolutely crazy when we come home. He sniffs and sniffs to see who we’ve been with. And this got me to thinking, don’t we do that too? Sure! We smell around all the time.

Think about that the next time you leave your home AND when you return! Whose scent are you covered in? What is the aroma of your heart today?

In His Amazing Love,


Anonymous said...

Such intersting thoughts and meditations. Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...

Boy, that's the truth. We reek of whomever we've been around. I liked this. The co-dependency idea was good.

Unknown said...

Thanks for reminding me of the importance of scent. Not just physically but also those of on the inside of us too. Blessings!

Kara With a K said...

Thanks for the reminder that I leave a scent wherever I go! My hope is that it is the fragrance of Christ.

Apron Senorita said...

Hi, so nice to meet you. I’m Yoli, a fellow “Texas Blogging Gal”. I made it my goal to visit each member’s Blog. I’m excited to read your inspirational stories and see your creative works. I kindly invite you over to my Blog for a visit at anytime.

I sincerley appreciate your words about co-dependency. It took me many years to work issues and find my place with God. I'm still a work in progress but at least now I know the truth. God Bless you Chel. You are a blessing!!

Yoli Kalkofen

Judd Corizan said...

Hi Chel-
I'm Judd Corizan from the meme Sunday Stealing. ( I thought I'd take the time to invite you and all Random Dozen players to join us this and every Sunday. We have a group of great players who participate. We usually post by 3PM Eastern time on Saturdays.
