Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weak of the Heart!

This week I will be posting about the Weak of the Heart. Our hearts are desperate and that is true, the Lord warns us and advises us so that we are knowledgeable of this. I don't know about you but I have struggled with "perfection" well, actually the infection of perfection my entire life as many women have. We seek approval, we seek respect, we seek admiration, we seek relationships, you get the picture....We Seek!

We become trapped in our idea of the perfect life even in our Christian walk. We are told to love, but when is it perfect? We are told to forgive, but how much? We are told to live, but will we ever be good enough?

Christ's perfect life and heart compels us to live as He did and strive to be more like Him. But see this is where it becomes cloudy for many of us. We want to be just like Him so badly that we often end up behaving badly in our stride for perfection. Thus we end up with the Infection of Perfection and we reveal the weakness of our hearts that Jeremiah 17:9 tells us about.
The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)

Our own deceit is our own worst enemy! We tell ourselves that we CAN BE PERFECT. No, nope, nada, no-way, this is not going to happen, not on our watch. And the cool part about it is that it is really ok! It's OK with Our Lord, Our Father, Our Creator! Of all we know HE loves us just as we are! He adores us! He left glory FOR US. It's ok to be imperfect, ok to fail, ok that we are deceitful because there was ONE that wasn't!! I want to share with you this week some of the weak spots of my heart that the Lord has lovingly looked down upon me, saw them and still said, "I love you. I'm proud of you, afterall, I sent my Son, my ONLY SON, to die for you."

Then He put on my heart the true theme for my week of the weak, He desires my DEVOTION NOT HUMAN PERFECTION! Here is a little poem the Lord put on my heart for today and I pray it touches you, leads you, guides you, and allows you to see HIM who can heal you!

A Perfect Heart

A perfect heart, cannot a woman make, only one that is broken and devoted all for HIS sake.

A perfect heart, cannot a woman gain, only one that is yielded and void of disdain.

A perfect heart, cannot a woman give, only that listens when He says live.

A perfect heart, cannot a woman mold, only one that is given to the Father to hold.

A perfect heart, cannot a woman steal, only one that is pliable to His will.

A perfect heart, cannot a man demand, only one that is surrendered to the Lord’s hand.

Rachele Posey
February 8, 2010©

In the Blessed Name of Jesus,

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