O'Where O'Where is My Security?
Not Here, Not There, Not Anywhere but in His Kingdom Alone.
Not in man but the nail scarred hands.
Not in friends but in the One whose love never ends.
Not in the fun but in the Righteous One.
Not in the mirror but in the Pruner and the Shearer.
Not in fame but only in HIS Holy Name.
Not in power but in the One who knows the Hour.
Not in this life but in the Creator of the day and night.
Not in anyone but in the One who sent His only Son.
Rachele Posey 2/25/2010
God is our only security and it was secured by His One and Only Son! He is our Rock, our Deliverer, the Conqueror, the Lover of Our Soul, our Home, our Help. Look no further tarry no more, Jesus is "in" the "security" business! He will give us our portion! Daily dependence is the path to true security!
In the heights and the darkest of nights,
God is there!
In the depths of the sea when all in you longs to flee,
God is there!
In the heart of the broken, when wrong words have been spoken,
God is there!
In the brightness of the day when you still can't find your way,
God is there!
In the pits, In the caves, when tossed about by the waves,
God is there!
In the chaos & despair, when it seems that no one cares,
God is there!
In the busyness, in the peace, when no dew is left on the fleece,
God is there!
In the rocks, On the shore, when you are sure you can take no more,
God is there!
He was always there and remain forever and unchanged!
God is there!
Rachele Posey 2/27/2010
This poem came to me during the Feminar in Longview, TX as Janet White was speaking. I have lived under a proverbial broom tree (1 Kings 19) for nearly two years. I have stood at the edge of my driveway begging for the Lord to just take me home. I have sat on the floor in my kitchen wishing and wishing that God would bring me home. It's not my time and the work He has started is not finished and has just barely begun. God sat with me on that cold hard floor, He has written His word on my heart when I felt I could take no more. He has held up my arms when I felt that I could tread no more waves! He has been the light in my darkest nights among the darkest caves. He has molded me and shaped me swaddled me and bathed me, came for me and saved me! He has always been there!
I pray that as you read, if you choose, 1 Kings 19 you see what I finally saw today...God told Elijah to get up and go back to anoint others. God told him that he would be with him and there was work yet to be done. Elijah was not alone, neither am I, neither are YOU! God is THERE! HE IS HERE!
In His Amazing Grace,
Thank you so much for you wonderful post. God knew I needed to hear it. God bless you
I have to agree, I desperately needed to hear this message much like Elijah did. I too need to focus on the work of God still needing to be done each day until He calls me home in His timing.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
This is an anointed post. The poetry was written in the portals of heaven and given to you. God bless you. Keep searching and listening. The Lord will surely reveal His purpose for you moment by moment.
God's timing....sometimes I sure need Him to be on my schedule! But when I stop and take a deep breath, I can so often see the order and plan He has for me.
Hello. Fellow Texas Blogging Gal member here to let you know about a giveaway of my Snail Mail Notes. Notecards include Texas themes and scriptures. You can see giveaway details at http://lonestarlifer.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/snail-mail-notes-giveaway/ and see my notes at www.snailmailnotes.com.
I am so bessed by this post, Sister! Your heart cry echo's mine!!
The Lord gave me a post last Nov with a very similar message. I do believe He want's us know rest and know that "He is Here"....in the midst of our "everything'! Here's the link if you'd like to read it.
Sweet Blessings!
Thanks for stopping by and joining! I am now following you... Thanks for the inspiration! I needed it!
Enjoyed your blog. I am a new follower.
I am from Wichita Falls. My son lives in Keller and works in N Richland Hills.
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