Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Great 8!

Chere' at A Day in the Life made a list of 8 greats from 2008 and wanted to hear from others. So I thought instead of a simple comment which I will leave, it sounded like a great thing to do...Make a List of 8 greats of 2008.

Now me and my silly mind went "Grape Ape, Grape Ape" so this is my Great8!Ok enough silliness here is my list....

8. Got my braces off!!! Yeah, my teeth fit! I had a cross bite that was not very visible but my teeth did not fit when I would close my mouth. The braces aligned my teeth and fixed my overbite which was near to the border of disorder! I was grinding my teeth and not for the fun of it.

7. I started back to college at LeTourneau University with the full support of my family. I did not start school after high school but I began at Eastern Arizona in Thatcher, AZ. I took a handful of classes and moved on with my life. After much prayer and the promise of support I pursued enrollment at LeTourneau University. During the phone interview with the admissions counselor I was so tickled when she asked if taking the required Bible classes would be a problem. I gladly answered "bring IT on!". I thought she would never ask. Praise God for Christ Centered Schools! I love LeTourneau!

6. I attended a Roaring Lambs Christian Writers Conference...should have been called a retreat. I was witness to some powerful healing in a family - the Key Note Speaker's family!!!

5. Blessed in February by musical group that is new to me: The McRae's and I love reading the blog by Annie McRae. (same link btw) This power little lady, Annie, wrote most of the songs. She and Amanda were a true blessing at Macedonia Baptist Church. I can't wait to attend Feminar this year there again. Janet White is wonderful and this year Point of Grace is coming back!

4. Started a new job, same field (insurance), and our ladies ministry is about to be 6 years old!

3. My cousin and his son were reunited in relationship. Long story! What a mighty God we serve!

2. My cousin (a different one) walked away from drugs accepted Christ! And he is a literal sponge in the word! He can't get enough!! And he sings too!

1. Saw the shackles of sin and bondage drop in my home.

Praise God He truly showed up in 2008!



@nnie said...

I, like you, love Chere's great 8 ... thanks for visiting our blogs... it's a blessing to read yours. glad to see Him working full time in your life... I am calling upon Him this morning myself... I need His strength, wisdom, security and peace. Have a great day!!!

Dawn said...

Hi Chel!! Thank you for visiting my blog and wanting to play along with the letter game.

I loved your Great 8 for 2008! Super idea.

Okay, your letter is "R". Make sure you come back and post a link so I can come read what you came up with!! :)

A Friend said...

I love your top 8 of sounds like God did some amazing things in your family/friend circle this year.

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

"What a mighty God we serve" indeed!

I'm looking forward to #7 and #8 in my own life (maybe this year???) but #1 is my favorite. ;-)