Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1st Official Random Dozen 2010 (I always hear that deep annoucer voice in my head!!)

Well this is random, ha ha just kidding!! That is something my kids say all the time! Big shout out to Lid at 2nd Cup of Coffee for hosting this fabulous Random Dozen meme (there goes that voice again!)

If you would like to join just click on the button and don't forget to grab it, then link up with Lid and the rest of us!!

Here is my first Random Dozen for 2010!!

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a cranky-baby-hissy-fitter, how much of a complainer are you?

4.5 normally but it can be influenced by overwhelming consistent and persistent annoying things. (wow that sounded whiny!)

2. When someone else is talking, do you listen, or are you thinking about what you're going to say in response?

Listen because if a response is needed I want to be sure I understood what was said. Plus if I wander I may not make it back!!!

3. I just deleted 1062 messages from my email account. Do you have any plans for a clean sweep this month--of anything?

Yes! Closets and Cabinets! Some things just need to go bye bye!

4. Tell us about your perfume. Was it a gift? What does it remind you of? Do you have a signature scent?

I received a Ralph Lauren set this year for Christmas with one big one and four minis. I love the Always Yours; it is great. My "signature" scent is heavily Coco by Chanel but a new one Burberry Brit is also great!

5. What is your best organizing tip for the new year?

Stop drop and shred or it will all go to your head!!!

6. What is your favorite comic strip?

Family Circus!!!

7. Do you sleep with a fluffy or flat pillow?

I use a contoured for my needy neck, so neither really.

8. What color is your kitchen? Why did you choose that color?

Orange and Copper (earth tones) - It really does look good together!!!

9. What’s the most interesting bumper sticker you’ve seen?

Well it is an old one and not the funniest any more BUT I still have one my husband and I bought while dating: My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student!! Hilarious yet you had to be there!! And we have honor students. He was sure he would not....but I was!! lol

10. Do you prefer an expensive writing tool or whatever is lying around? (Are you a Montblanc or a Papermate?)

Pentel EnerGel (rocks my socks!) I have only found them at Staples.

11. What chore doesn’t feel like a chore – you just enjoy it (at least most of the time)?


12. If your parents often repeated themselves, what is something one of them said more than once?
Yeah Buddy- something my dad said often, seriously!

See Ya On the e-Side!


T said...

# 5 is too funny! Have a great day!!

Kara With a K said...

I'm going to have to buy those pens, I love a good gel pen!

And I have problems with my neck too, and sometimes even the stinkin' contour pillows don't help. I go back and forth between a fluffy pillow and the contour. Seems to help. A little. A have a high maintenance neck I guess.

Angie said...

Love your blog design...pretty! Orange and Copper sound nice; I'm not into earth tones myself, but love other people's homes who are.

Heart2Heart said...

Love reading this wonderful new list of 2010 and getting to know even more about you. Loved the bumper sticker, definitely classic and something you don't see everyday.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Mocha with Linda said...

I put cooking for my chore answer too.

Enjoyed reading your answers!

SouthLakesMom said...

Love that bumper sticker! In over-achieving Northern Virginia it would be great!

Cathy said...

#5 is too funny!

quilly said...

Now you've made me long for a new pen and a new pillow!

Crystal Posey said...

Nice blog! I enjoyed the meme. :) Thanks for the comment on my photo. My other blog is at the other is just photos for my mother.

Have a great day!

Walking on High Hills said...

Hey there!! I got your other comment, but later, cause it got lost in another post I couldn't find. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your difficult year- 2009 was no doubt full of struggles.

I'll try and connect with you!

Yes, I'm at VOA.

Kristi said...

Just stopped by and wanted to say hello! Great blog!

@nnie said...

hi Chel, always LOVE visiting your blog. Can I link you on my sidebar? That way, I will remember to visit more often. Warmly, Annie

Sue said...

I really do need to shred more. Thanks for the reminder. My shredder is gathering dust in the closet :-/