Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5 NKJV
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Attention you bloggin SIESTA's...I'm so excited!!!
Ready set memorize!
Are you as stoked as I am? My mind is in dire need of captivation! If I am going to love the Lord will all my mind then I must not only hide His word in my heart but I must write it on my thoughts!
Here is the deal...I bought 4 and I have one left for a lady who is going to join us in this memorizing His Holy Word and going to Houston to celebrate!
Who is she? I don't know! Perhaps she is you! contact me at rachele@woven-ministries.org!!!
or on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/racheleposey
Abiding Still,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Deck the Halls...Mentho-Lyptus that is!
If you act quickly it won’t be an issue
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
Don we now our stuffy noses
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
When we cough we strike our poses
fa la la la la la la la la lah!
fa la la la la la la la la lah!
(if you are close to 40 or over it - you know what pose THAT is!!!)
Tis the season to be snotty
fa la la la la la la
Need a blanket to warm our bodies
fa la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
Sleep deprivation just adds to the crisis,
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
Wish this season wouldn’t be so busy,
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
Shopping and sickness just makes me dizzy,
fa la la la la la la la la
fa la la la la la la la la
We finished our fluids and medicine too,
fa la la la la la la la la
Now I can wish a Merry Christmas to you,
fa la la la la la la la la!!!!!!!
fa la la la la la la la la
Now I can wish a Merry Christmas to you,
fa la la la la la la la la!!!!!!!
Abiding Still,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Being a SIESTA is no snooze!
I have been eagerly anticipating this adventure for 2011 to gain a little bit more about my Father in Heaven;
To understand His poetry and His prose, to make His very word my covering, my clothes.
I will hide His word within my heart and from His truth I will not depart!
I will trust His promises and His discipline too and live to show Him ever true.
I will surely stumble and likely fall but I will always proclaim Him Lord of all!
Our Siesta Mama is at it again...are you ready...pen in hand, spiral ready, Bible open - minds open?? Let's do this together and memorize our Father's words and all meet up in 2012!
To understand His poetry and His prose, to make His very word my covering, my clothes.
I will hide His word within my heart and from His truth I will not depart!
I will trust His promises and His discipline too and live to show Him ever true.
I will surely stumble and likely fall but I will always proclaim Him Lord of all!
Our Siesta Mama is at it again...are you ready...pen in hand, spiral ready, Bible open - minds open?? Let's do this together and memorize our Father's words and all meet up in 2012!
Abiding Still,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Yo-Yo...A Toy or a Way of Life?
Do you have a Yo-Yo Diet when it comes to God's Will and Word?
Do you often wonder, "Why?" Me too!!!
So this brings me to the name of Refiner the only cure for the Yo-Yo Worshiper!
My prayer dear Father is that me and all who read this will abide in the name of the Refiner and His fire that serves to make us look more like your Son!
There have been some crazy things happening in my household lately! Although some will have "their" opinions and others theirs, I believe that the Lord is refining not just my faith alone but the faith of this very household. I am seeing more and more Christians go through what seems to be "trials" and yes according to the book of James they are but I firmly believe it is the Refining Fire of the Lord upon His own.
I read this in 1 Peter 4:17, "For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
Not to lessen the Power in this Word to any degree but it was this verse which suddenly reminded me of Yo-Yo Dieting! Obey-Disobey-Obey-Disobey but instead of learning to “walk the dog” we end up living with the pigs! This is the life of the Yo-Yo Worshiper!
Depending on your perspective that was either funny or harsh but take heart when reading within the entire context of 1 Peter 4 you will see something beautiful! After all do we not read that He makes all things beautiful??? See Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Again with the ups and downs of the yo-yo here…. “time” & “eternity” We are governed daily by time but eternity is set in our hearts. So easy for us to be up and down isn’t it?
Now let's dig in!!!!
1 Peter 4
Living for God
I am not sure where these words will hit you today but I know that this particular chapter in 1 Peter sums up a lot for me in the past as well as my present. I have never been more confirmed with my convictions.
1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 3 For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you. 5 But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6 For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
I do not know if any of you have felt the pain of verses 3-5 but I certainly have. I began my high school years in this way....If I were to show up at a party the question was asked of me, "Rachele, what are YOU doing here?" By the end of my junior year the question was asked, "Rachele, where WERE YOU?"
This is not something I am proud to share, but it does reveal that there was a certain perception of me. Now what they did not know was that my father's girlfriend would buy alcohol for me and her daughter who was 4 years older. This began when I was 12! If that wasn’t awful enough, my father actually looked the other way. So “don’t drink, but I’ll look the other way while someone gives it to you”....Yo-Yo childhood with a yo-yo parenting??? One could easily slide into a Yo-Yo adulthood and Lord forbid Yo-Yo Worship. Too often as Christians we ask ourselves the following question when it comes to convictions "Should I or shouldn't I?" When you ask this question your Yo-Yo of Worship could begin if your convictions you choose to bend.
You see dear brothers and sisters, although the things listed in verse 3 may not be sin in your life they are huge stumbling blocks to many believers. Many Christians have been diverted from an abundant life by the choices of this world’s pleasures. (Yo-Yo) And who hasn’t seen way too many lives taken from this world due to the “liquid spirit's” control? Yes that is right folks alcohol isn't called a "spirits" for no reason!
This begs the question, "Why would a child of the LIGHT want to live in the shadow of sin?"
(Yo-Yo) The sound boing-boing just keeps going on and on in my head!
7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
Is it just me or do you find this passage interesting as well? "Be of sober mind so that you may pray." Ponder this one for yourself.
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Love would and does change a lot of things.
9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.
I think this section is completed by reminding us it is not about us and that we should strive to be Holy since He is Holy. Now the problem is that we try to be perfect because He is perfect but we are only charged with being Holy not perfect. You, as a believer, are already set apart so live like one who has been set apart for His special purpose. (Phil 3:16 – Live up to what you have already attained) Live for HIM and you will see how loving and serving others will come much more naturally - or supernaturally. :)
Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse YO-YO
So do we continue to be a "Yo-Yo Worshiper" gaining and losing holy ground like a Yo-Yo dieter? The answer is quite possibly is revealed in our response to the following verses of this chapter.
Suffering for Being a Christian
12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
OK I AM TRULY FEELING VERSE 12 RIGHT NOW IN MY LIFE and looking for the glory! Yikes! I could claim a test and a trial right now and partly it is true but more than that it is about John 3:30...I must decrease and He must increase! (repeat that 10 times really really fast! and don't flip the creases.) If you ever wonder, "Why?" then John 3:30 is for you because we all need more of Him and less of ourselves. I will also hold tight to John 16:33 in my life and I will take heart and not lose hope because HE HAS OVERCOME THIS WORLD!
Oh how I love that His Word is woven so tightly together!
14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
I don't know if those of usChristians here in America get as much of this from "the World" as we do each other. Where convictions are shared opinions are birthed, and where opinions are birthed divisions deepened. There is more of this in America going on IN our churches rather than outside of it. Either way praise Him that you bear His name! And it is quite fitting that verse 17 is next.
17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” 19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
His final word will be mine was well…..Continue to do good…..even when you have the ups and downs….even if you feel like a Yo-Yo!
Abiding Still,
Do you often wonder, "Why?" Me too!!!
So this brings me to the name of Refiner the only cure for the Yo-Yo Worshiper!
My prayer dear Father is that me and all who read this will abide in the name of the Refiner and His fire that serves to make us look more like your Son!
There have been some crazy things happening in my household lately! Although some will have "their" opinions and others theirs, I believe that the Lord is refining not just my faith alone but the faith of this very household. I am seeing more and more Christians go through what seems to be "trials" and yes according to the book of James they are but I firmly believe it is the Refining Fire of the Lord upon His own.
I read this in 1 Peter 4:17, "For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
Not to lessen the Power in this Word to any degree but it was this verse which suddenly reminded me of Yo-Yo Dieting! Obey-Disobey-Obey-Disobey but instead of learning to “walk the dog” we end up living with the pigs! This is the life of the Yo-Yo Worshiper!
Depending on your perspective that was either funny or harsh but take heart when reading within the entire context of 1 Peter 4 you will see something beautiful! After all do we not read that He makes all things beautiful??? See Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Again with the ups and downs of the yo-yo here…. “time” & “eternity” We are governed daily by time but eternity is set in our hearts. So easy for us to be up and down isn’t it?
Now let's dig in!!!!
1 Peter 4
Living for God
I am not sure where these words will hit you today but I know that this particular chapter in 1 Peter sums up a lot for me in the past as well as my present. I have never been more confirmed with my convictions.
1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 3 For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you. 5 But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6 For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
I do not know if any of you have felt the pain of verses 3-5 but I certainly have. I began my high school years in this way....If I were to show up at a party the question was asked of me, "Rachele, what are YOU doing here?" By the end of my junior year the question was asked, "Rachele, where WERE YOU?"
This is not something I am proud to share, but it does reveal that there was a certain perception of me. Now what they did not know was that my father's girlfriend would buy alcohol for me and her daughter who was 4 years older. This began when I was 12! If that wasn’t awful enough, my father actually looked the other way. So “don’t drink, but I’ll look the other way while someone gives it to you”....Yo-Yo childhood with a yo-yo parenting??? One could easily slide into a Yo-Yo adulthood and Lord forbid Yo-Yo Worship. Too often as Christians we ask ourselves the following question when it comes to convictions "Should I or shouldn't I?" When you ask this question your Yo-Yo of Worship could begin if your convictions you choose to bend.
You see dear brothers and sisters, although the things listed in verse 3 may not be sin in your life they are huge stumbling blocks to many believers. Many Christians have been diverted from an abundant life by the choices of this world’s pleasures. (Yo-Yo) And who hasn’t seen way too many lives taken from this world due to the “liquid spirit's” control? Yes that is right folks alcohol isn't called a "spirits" for no reason!
This begs the question, "Why would a child of the LIGHT want to live in the shadow of sin?"
(Yo-Yo) The sound boing-boing just keeps going on and on in my head!
7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
Is it just me or do you find this passage interesting as well? "Be of sober mind so that you may pray." Ponder this one for yourself.
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Love would and does change a lot of things.
9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.
I think this section is completed by reminding us it is not about us and that we should strive to be Holy since He is Holy. Now the problem is that we try to be perfect because He is perfect but we are only charged with being Holy not perfect. You, as a believer, are already set apart so live like one who has been set apart for His special purpose. (Phil 3:16 – Live up to what you have already attained) Live for HIM and you will see how loving and serving others will come much more naturally - or supernaturally. :)
Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse Rededicate - Relapse YO-YO
So do we continue to be a "Yo-Yo Worshiper" gaining and losing holy ground like a Yo-Yo dieter? The answer is quite possibly is revealed in our response to the following verses of this chapter.
Suffering for Being a Christian
12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
OK I AM TRULY FEELING VERSE 12 RIGHT NOW IN MY LIFE and looking for the glory! Yikes! I could claim a test and a trial right now and partly it is true but more than that it is about John 3:30...I must decrease and He must increase! (repeat that 10 times really really fast! and don't flip the creases.) If you ever wonder, "Why?" then John 3:30 is for you because we all need more of Him and less of ourselves. I will also hold tight to John 16:33 in my life and I will take heart and not lose hope because HE HAS OVERCOME THIS WORLD!
Oh how I love that His Word is woven so tightly together!
14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
I don't know if those of usChristians here in America get as much of this from "the World" as we do each other. Where convictions are shared opinions are birthed, and where opinions are birthed divisions deepened. There is more of this in America going on IN our churches rather than outside of it. Either way praise Him that you bear His name! And it is quite fitting that verse 17 is next.
17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” 19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
His final word will be mine was well…..Continue to do good…..even when you have the ups and downs….even if you feel like a Yo-Yo!
Abiding Still,
Monday, October 11, 2010
How Close is TOO Close?
Have you ever walked to the edge of something and had that overwhelming fear you may jump or fall or be easily blown over the edge by the wind? This is how it is when we walk too closely to temptation; one gentle push and we are in. Is it a sin to be tempted? I don't think temptation is a sin because clearly Christ was without sin yet He was "tempted". On the other hand it could be sin to see just how close to the edge you can get before you breech "your idea" of falling into sin. I know I have to ask myself if I am too close for comfort with anything in my life. No matter how gray we may think something is, it is not our perception that matters in the end. Plainly said, "It's not about us."
What is the Holy Spirit? - Is it that still small voice? You know the one that is speaking to you when you have taken that one step "too close ". If you can feel the heat of the sin then it is very likely you are too close. The phrase coined by a popular TV show comes to mind....DANGER DANGER DANGER.... MY CHILD...Falling into temptation creates an unwanted wall between you and the Father. This I know. Even if it is nursing wounds, not supporting others, pulling away when you could be needed most, or truly anything can be a sin to us who know HIM.
So, who are we to measure the gravity of sin? We can't do it, we shouldn't do it; we are not qualified to do it. Which is most definitely why the Word tells us that He desires mercy over sacrifice. Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:13 & 12:7. And our obedience is greatly rewarded! Go read Hosea in its entirety if you doubt this.
Our Heavenly Father wants us to obey Him and be givers of the SAME Mercy He has bestowed upon us. I know that when I have not done one or both I am in direct sin against my Father. Not to mention the fact that I would also be out of fellowship with Him in a way that I would not care to ever repeat.
See I have most definitely failed to share "my story" because I know how unforgiving people can be about the smallest things and if they knew all I had been through both willingly or unwillingly then it could cause more hurt. So if I were to share my story with my church family they might they not see the free woman I know I am in HIM. It is likely some would while others would not. Isn't it "the others" that keep us from obedience way too often? I would likely feel judged and rejected. I don't need help in that area do you? So I stay quiet. I am not saying that if your WHOLE testimony isn't public then you are in sin but what I am saying is that staying silent when beckoned to speak is just as bad as speaking when beckoned to be silent.
So what counters these feelings in us?
First of all what helps me to counter these feelings is to relinquish control over them to the Lord. When I quit trying to figure it out He usually brings, no always brings, me relief from whatever is oppressing me and shows me HIS way.
Next, when I pray, which should be first but when we are out of fellowship because our "self" is in the way it is very hard to pray. But first and without ceasing pray for yourself as well as others.
Another thing that helps me to live free is to ask for the Lord to use me and whatever the circumstance to His glory and not my own. This can bring one to mixed feelings but I am certain the rewards are mostly eternal for this one. If you have ever prayed, "No matter what it takes Lord....." You know those feelings.
I have learned first hand that most people are trapped by the "name it claim it" and the "smooth = God must be doing it" theories. There are times when things fall into place and you know that you know that you know it is HIM but there are other times when the powers of darkness and principalities aim to cause you to look at others instead of Him. (this is for those who step away because of personal preference instead of truly seeking where HE wants them.) But also simply realize that being trapped by either theory and not by God's will causes us to be out of step with Him, period.
If I have learned anything in my very very short time in ministry, it is that it is not easy and sometimes there are more thorns than rose blooms in this garden called life. I mean think about it the rose bush does not bloom all year long does it?
When you choose to follow & support someone based upon your preference then you could be missing out on a blessing or causing another to do miss it. I do honestly try to not have people "just like me" in my life because without them my quality of life would be so much less. God sends different leaders, friends, and acquaintances into our lives to help us to look more like HIS Son. If it is true that "iron sharpens iron" then having people that suit us or are just like us in our life leaves a lot to be desired.
I have had to learn not to walk away when I did not fully agree with a leader. It was hard but the reward was HUGE and beautiful! On a scale of "directness" I am about a 6 1/2 because there are times and days when frustration has tempted me and I failed, where my directness is a blooming 10. Then there are days when it is a 3; so a 6 1/2 is fair in my opinion. But see I have a hard time dealing with those who are always a 10 or always under a 3 or 4. I am certain that my up and down regarding it is equally as frustrating which is why I encourage you to hang in there - IT - IS - WORTH - IT. We are all unique and we all have a calling from our Father. We all have a gift and we need to quit throwing out barbed wire where another's calling is concerned. I have most recently seen it hurt someone whom I have come to love. Which leads me to another thing.....
Get over being falsely accused. This one was/is/was/is (seeeee) really really hard for me. God had to dig deep inside me for my trust to be fully and totally on Him alone. I nearly lost EVERYTHING on the earth - no really, honestly, truly almost everything! I would list it but some of it is not my testimony. By His Grace, The ONE who was steady and stable in my life was the LORD (all caps a must here). Him and HIM alone.
See, I have always been a hopeful (hopefilled) person but had/have so much more to learn about faith. I have a card I keep in my car that says, "When Jesus is ALL you have you realize HE is ALL you need." I have lived this perhaps not for the last time but lived it I have. I have been talked about in my church regarding areas of which I had not been involved. People have assumed things about me yet only one person has ever asked me my heart on things. ONE person. But she is not the defending the defenseless type so still I have felt that when falsely accused NO ONE has had my back. (no this is not recent I just felt led to share for whoever may be reading that I know how hard this is). I really do.
So what am I trying to say in all of this??????
Hang in there with all your might. Do not lean on your own understanding you will be wrong! We are warned for a reason not to reason with & for ourselves or even others. But Lean On HIM when you're not strong. He may be the only friend but it won't be long..You get the picture.
Do support others yet Biblically check the leadership's words and activities in your church. Support them as you would a little brother or sister, well maybe not quite like it because you know the saying, "Only I can say that but you can't!" How about this dont' say it at all. With every negative encounter refute it with what the church is doing right. When leaders change step up and ask how you can help. If they don't take your help then you did what you could. Afterall it is up to the Lord to show them and remember they are people too and could very well be making team choices by preference and opinion or heaven forbid gossip.
Even still, we must work with those with whom we may not always agree....do you know why? Because Iron Sharpens Iron and if you are not willing to be that then you are missing out on a huge area of discipleship, fellowship, and perhaps even the whole ship! You could be headed for a ship wreck. If preferences and opinions drive you then you know it is NOT the Holy Spirit. Yes I said it, and yes it is a big huge ouch, but it is oh so true. If one thing causes you to quit something (even if it is a person) then you likely weren't in it for the right reason anyway.
Am I preaching here? Maybe, but it is most definitely from the perspective of been there failed that. Trust me hang in there. Now do not apply self seeking guilt where the Holy Spirit has not rendered you to your knees because I know that each must be brought to it by Him. But do carefully consider the edges you approach each day. Are you too close? Do you feel the heat?
Guard your heart and your mind. And remember there may very well be more thorns than roses in THIS garden of life and it's seasonal, but looky here:
Without all this: Isaiah 1:30, "For you shall be as a terebinth whose leaf fades, And as a garden that has no water." NKJV
With it: Isaiah 58:11, "The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." NKJV
Quite a bit of what I am sharing here comes from personal experience while it is personal it is not private. I am not alone in some of these things. Some of this came from personal conviction after hearing Pastor Chuck Swindoll speak on Romans 14, Insight on Romans The Christians Constitution part 2 and pdf file #35 notes. (Click on Message Mates to see the file.)
So I personally challenge you to take a long hard look at Romans 14. See verse 5, we must brought to conviction from Him on our own. Take a very close look at verses 13, 15, 19, & 22. The chapter talks about food but really it speaks of love!
Verse 5: One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
Verse 13: Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
Verse 15: If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died.
Verse 19-21: 19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.
Verse 22: So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves.
And when someone doesn't understand your convictions and actually judges you for it loving show them this:
Verse 14: As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.
Always remember that you do not have to wear yourself out defending yourself. Only Christ is the defender of the defenseless see Psalm 5:11 in the NKJV as the Psalmist cries out to the Lord,
"But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You."
Abiding Still,
What is the Holy Spirit? - Is it that still small voice? You know the one that is speaking to you when you have taken that one step "too close ". If you can feel the heat of the sin then it is very likely you are too close. The phrase coined by a popular TV show comes to mind....DANGER DANGER DANGER.... MY CHILD...Falling into temptation creates an unwanted wall between you and the Father. This I know. Even if it is nursing wounds, not supporting others, pulling away when you could be needed most, or truly anything can be a sin to us who know HIM.
So, who are we to measure the gravity of sin? We can't do it, we shouldn't do it; we are not qualified to do it. Which is most definitely why the Word tells us that He desires mercy over sacrifice. Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:13 & 12:7. And our obedience is greatly rewarded! Go read Hosea in its entirety if you doubt this.
Our Heavenly Father wants us to obey Him and be givers of the SAME Mercy He has bestowed upon us. I know that when I have not done one or both I am in direct sin against my Father. Not to mention the fact that I would also be out of fellowship with Him in a way that I would not care to ever repeat.
See I have most definitely failed to share "my story" because I know how unforgiving people can be about the smallest things and if they knew all I had been through both willingly or unwillingly then it could cause more hurt. So if I were to share my story with my church family they might they not see the free woman I know I am in HIM. It is likely some would while others would not. Isn't it "the others" that keep us from obedience way too often? I would likely feel judged and rejected. I don't need help in that area do you? So I stay quiet. I am not saying that if your WHOLE testimony isn't public then you are in sin but what I am saying is that staying silent when beckoned to speak is just as bad as speaking when beckoned to be silent.
So what counters these feelings in us?
First of all what helps me to counter these feelings is to relinquish control over them to the Lord. When I quit trying to figure it out He usually brings, no always brings, me relief from whatever is oppressing me and shows me HIS way.
Next, when I pray, which should be first but when we are out of fellowship because our "self" is in the way it is very hard to pray. But first and without ceasing pray for yourself as well as others.
Another thing that helps me to live free is to ask for the Lord to use me and whatever the circumstance to His glory and not my own. This can bring one to mixed feelings but I am certain the rewards are mostly eternal for this one. If you have ever prayed, "No matter what it takes Lord....." You know those feelings.
I have learned first hand that most people are trapped by the "name it claim it" and the "smooth = God must be doing it" theories. There are times when things fall into place and you know that you know that you know it is HIM but there are other times when the powers of darkness and principalities aim to cause you to look at others instead of Him. (this is for those who step away because of personal preference instead of truly seeking where HE wants them.) But also simply realize that being trapped by either theory and not by God's will causes us to be out of step with Him, period.
If I have learned anything in my very very short time in ministry, it is that it is not easy and sometimes there are more thorns than rose blooms in this garden called life. I mean think about it the rose bush does not bloom all year long does it?
When you choose to follow & support someone based upon your preference then you could be missing out on a blessing or causing another to do miss it. I do honestly try to not have people "just like me" in my life because without them my quality of life would be so much less. God sends different leaders, friends, and acquaintances into our lives to help us to look more like HIS Son. If it is true that "iron sharpens iron" then having people that suit us or are just like us in our life leaves a lot to be desired.
I have had to learn not to walk away when I did not fully agree with a leader. It was hard but the reward was HUGE and beautiful! On a scale of "directness" I am about a 6 1/2 because there are times and days when frustration has tempted me and I failed, where my directness is a blooming 10. Then there are days when it is a 3; so a 6 1/2 is fair in my opinion. But see I have a hard time dealing with those who are always a 10 or always under a 3 or 4. I am certain that my up and down regarding it is equally as frustrating which is why I encourage you to hang in there - IT - IS - WORTH - IT. We are all unique and we all have a calling from our Father. We all have a gift and we need to quit throwing out barbed wire where another's calling is concerned. I have most recently seen it hurt someone whom I have come to love. Which leads me to another thing.....
Get over being falsely accused. This one was/is/was/is (seeeee) really really hard for me. God had to dig deep inside me for my trust to be fully and totally on Him alone. I nearly lost EVERYTHING on the earth - no really, honestly, truly almost everything! I would list it but some of it is not my testimony. By His Grace, The ONE who was steady and stable in my life was the LORD (all caps a must here). Him and HIM alone.
See, I have always been a hopeful (hopefilled) person but had/have so much more to learn about faith. I have a card I keep in my car that says, "When Jesus is ALL you have you realize HE is ALL you need." I have lived this perhaps not for the last time but lived it I have. I have been talked about in my church regarding areas of which I had not been involved. People have assumed things about me yet only one person has ever asked me my heart on things. ONE person. But she is not the defending the defenseless type so still I have felt that when falsely accused NO ONE has had my back. (no this is not recent I just felt led to share for whoever may be reading that I know how hard this is). I really do.
So what am I trying to say in all of this??????
Hang in there with all your might. Do not lean on your own understanding you will be wrong! We are warned for a reason not to reason with & for ourselves or even others. But Lean On HIM when you're not strong. He may be the only friend but it won't be long..You get the picture.
Do support others yet Biblically check the leadership's words and activities in your church. Support them as you would a little brother or sister, well maybe not quite like it because you know the saying, "Only I can say that but you can't!" How about this dont' say it at all. With every negative encounter refute it with what the church is doing right. When leaders change step up and ask how you can help. If they don't take your help then you did what you could. Afterall it is up to the Lord to show them and remember they are people too and could very well be making team choices by preference and opinion or heaven forbid gossip.
Even still, we must work with those with whom we may not always agree....do you know why? Because Iron Sharpens Iron and if you are not willing to be that then you are missing out on a huge area of discipleship, fellowship, and perhaps even the whole ship! You could be headed for a ship wreck. If preferences and opinions drive you then you know it is NOT the Holy Spirit. Yes I said it, and yes it is a big huge ouch, but it is oh so true. If one thing causes you to quit something (even if it is a person) then you likely weren't in it for the right reason anyway.
Am I preaching here? Maybe, but it is most definitely from the perspective of been there failed that. Trust me hang in there. Now do not apply self seeking guilt where the Holy Spirit has not rendered you to your knees because I know that each must be brought to it by Him. But do carefully consider the edges you approach each day. Are you too close? Do you feel the heat?
Guard your heart and your mind. And remember there may very well be more thorns than roses in THIS garden of life and it's seasonal, but looky here:
Without all this: Isaiah 1:30, "For you shall be as a terebinth whose leaf fades, And as a garden that has no water." NKJV
With it: Isaiah 58:11, "The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." NKJV
Quite a bit of what I am sharing here comes from personal experience while it is personal it is not private. I am not alone in some of these things. Some of this came from personal conviction after hearing Pastor Chuck Swindoll speak on Romans 14, Insight on Romans The Christians Constitution part 2 and pdf file #35 notes. (Click on Message Mates to see the file.)
So I personally challenge you to take a long hard look at Romans 14. See verse 5, we must brought to conviction from Him on our own. Take a very close look at verses 13, 15, 19, & 22. The chapter talks about food but really it speaks of love!
Verse 5: One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
Verse 13: Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
Verse 15: If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died.
Verse 19-21: 19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.
Verse 22: So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves.
And when someone doesn't understand your convictions and actually judges you for it loving show them this:
Verse 14: As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.
Always remember that you do not have to wear yourself out defending yourself. Only Christ is the defender of the defenseless see Psalm 5:11 in the NKJV as the Psalmist cries out to the Lord,
"But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You."
Abiding Still,
Monday, August 23, 2010
So Grateful
I am so grateful that God did not call us to a ministry of deliberation or reputation but to a ministry of reconciliation! Through Christ we were/are reconciled to God and saved from His wrath. I am personally grateful for the grace, love, and forgiveness I have received! I pray I do a better job of passing it on just as I have received it. I will rejoice!
You know I often wonder - not that I get it right all of the time - but I wonder why we choose NOT to do certain things because we know how it feels instead of doing something BECAUSE we know how it feels. What do I mean you may ask? Maybe we can convince others that we are forgiven in this way.....
Did you see that? I have missed this all too often myself - "from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view." What do you think Paul is saying here? Maybe just maybe it ties right in with this:
Then when James addresses the little things, yes they are little, that causes quarrels among us, I think it was four letter word called SELF. We are all so concerned for ourselves, we protect ourselves, and even run from ourselves. But even where it concerns our'selves' we are to be reconciled. Quit holding that grudge against yourself. You are not merely valuable YOU ARE VALUED! That is so much more! You are not and never will be what others say you are! You have been defined by something bigger than you or they will ever be - CHRIST, His death, His resurrection, and His return! So we can quit that quarreling, quit demanding our own way, quit carrying that garbage bag of guilt, and just stop, drop, & pray. He has made a way - God has deemed us reconciled unto Him through His Son. We are redeemed!
Abiding Still,
Romans 5:11
"Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation." (NIV)
You know I often wonder - not that I get it right all of the time - but I wonder why we choose NOT to do certain things because we know how it feels instead of doing something BECAUSE we know how it feels. What do I mean you may ask? Maybe we can convince others that we are forgiven in this way.....
2 Corinthians 5:11-15, "Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." (NIV)Or.....perhaps you don't hold grudges because you know what that feels like. What if it looked like this: I forgive because I KNOW HOW IT FEELS. Same thing different perspective. I am grateful for the forgiveness I have received from my God and people. I'm sorry if someone has held a grudge against you perhaps they will remember what forgiveness feels like and send a little your way. Or we can do as Paul instructs here....
2 Corinthians 5: 16-17, "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (NIV)
Did you see that? I have missed this all too often myself - "from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view." What do you think Paul is saying here? Maybe just maybe it ties right in with this:
Proverbs 3:1-6, "My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.Ok, can I just say, "OUCH!" ? Too many times have I looked at others as simply people instead of His valued prized creation - the Apply of HIS Eye! Oh sure there are days when I have to convince myself of the same regarding myself but daily I need to regard others from HIS point of view not a worldly one.
Then when James addresses the little things, yes they are little, that causes quarrels among us, I think it was four letter word called SELF. We are all so concerned for ourselves, we protect ourselves, and even run from ourselves. But even where it concerns our'selves' we are to be reconciled. Quit holding that grudge against yourself. You are not merely valuable YOU ARE VALUED! That is so much more! You are not and never will be what others say you are! You have been defined by something bigger than you or they will ever be - CHRIST, His death, His resurrection, and His return! So we can quit that quarreling, quit demanding our own way, quit carrying that garbage bag of guilt, and just stop, drop, & pray. He has made a way - God has deemed us reconciled unto Him through His Son. We are redeemed!
2 Corinthians 5:17, 18-21 (NIV)
(Too good of news not to include again & again...) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (NIV)So what does all this mean? Forgive as you were forgiven. Give grace as you have been given. Love as you have been loved. And now look at others from a Kingdom Point of View not a worldly one. Perhaps, just maybe, we all will do a better job with grace, forgiving, and loving if we did see others through His eyes.
Abiding Still,
Monday, August 16, 2010
Great Article on Welcoming New Women in Your Church...
I love how our Father works!! This EXACT thing has been on my heart for a year and I have been delaying in obedience to do anything about it. I felt helpless really as to HOW to do it. But here lately God has been equipping me and showing me how to do what He has called me to do.
Then today I saw this article in their archive. I hope it speaks to you as well and it is a great follow up to the previous post on WALLS - Ways Around Living & Loving Sacrificially. Enjoy!
from Lifeway Women: http://blogs.lifeway.com/blog/women-ministry/2010/08/5-easy-ways-to-welcome-new-women.html
Abiding in HIM
Then today I saw this article in their archive. I hope it speaks to you as well and it is a great follow up to the previous post on WALLS - Ways Around Living & Loving Sacrificially. Enjoy!
from Lifeway Women: http://blogs.lifeway.com/blog/women-ministry/2010/08/5-easy-ways-to-welcome-new-women.html
Have you ever joined a church and struggled to figure out where you fit? I have and that was after serving on a church staff in another city for about 12 years. You’d think I would know how to fit in! But it is not so eas, even for a leader. If we do not find effective ways to get to know other women and get them engaged fully in church life, she may leave and find a place where she can fit. Or she may just come to worship on Sunday and not get involved in a small group or any other activity where she can grow and serve.I pray you feel equipped to better handle your new women too.
It takes more than one person to draw a woman into fellowship at your church. It also takes more than one way of touching her life. To welcome guests into your women's ministry, consider forming a team of volunteers to exercise at least seven "touches" to new members of your women's ministry.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Extend a handshake, smile, and "hello" to greet a new member when she is presented for church membership.
- Call her and schedule a convenient time to meet with her.
- Visit her in her home and share information about the church and women's ministry. Share details about other ministries she might like to be involved in, such as Bible study, programs for her family, etc.
- Ask how you and others can pray specifically for her and her family.
- Follow up at least four more times in a variety of ways:
· Send a handwritten note welcoming her to your church.
· Invite her to the next luncheon, dinner, or other activity with a complimentary ticket. You may even want to offer to carpool.
· Invite her to your house or to meet you for coffee.
· Invite her to Wednesday night supper and Bible study.
· Bring her to a regular women's study or other gathering and introduce her to others.
· Introduce her to other new members.
· Seek her out at church and invite her to sit with you, especially if she is alone.
· Bring her homemade cookies or bread, or flowers from your yard.
· Send a card to let her know you are remembering her.
These are only a few suggestions. Be creative with these, and include several women in this "seven touch" ministry.
Share what you do to keep new women from falling through the cracks.
Want the full listing of ideas to welcome women into your ministry? Read Transformed Lives: Taking Women's Ministry to the Next Level.
Abiding in HIM
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Walls within our walls and then there is the wallpaper....
No this isn't a design post, I'm talking people, WALLS & relationships . So I say,
Have you ever noticed the number of walls that seem to be around ourselves and others? Lately I have seen them in abundance and variety: high, tall, strong, and most nearly impenetrable! But the one thing that walls have in common is that they are (for the most part) perceived - assumed - presumed - and quite often not even intentional. I have watched as walls build up around people, namely women, so much so that the women eventually begin to blend in with the walls. aka the Wallpaper, the Woodwork, just seem to disappear, etc. Or maybe there are walls that you are projecting onto people and you can't seem to scale it in order to approach them. Is it their clothes, their hair, their relationship status??? What is it exactly that makes us uncomfortable around others????
My heart has been breaking when I see women who keep to themselves out of fear from stepping out from behind their wall or beyond the perceived walls of others. I guess we can all give off that "air" from time to time but here is a crucial difference, an "us vs them", a "have and have not" scenario - when you know Christ, if you know Christ - HIS love should reach beyond all walls real or perceived. We should follow His example.
He is the only demolition expert when it comes to relational walls. He is the only one able to tear down every brick and mortar, hay, mud, etc wall on the face of this earth in order that His love may be freely given and received. He was there when Jericho's walls came crumbling down! He was there when the veil was torn! He was - correction HE IS HERE! Here to remove all our walls, our pain, our dirt, our hurt, and all that we desire to cover up, protect, and secure....HE unveiled His presence to us to live in us and share HIS love through us.
Abiding Still,
"If you tear it down they will come!"
Have you ever noticed the number of walls that seem to be around ourselves and others? Lately I have seen them in abundance and variety: high, tall, strong, and most nearly impenetrable! But the one thing that walls have in common is that they are (for the most part) perceived - assumed - presumed - and quite often not even intentional. I have watched as walls build up around people, namely women, so much so that the women eventually begin to blend in with the walls. aka the Wallpaper, the Woodwork, just seem to disappear, etc. Or maybe there are walls that you are projecting onto people and you can't seem to scale it in order to approach them. Is it their clothes, their hair, their relationship status??? What is it exactly that makes us uncomfortable around others????
One word...WALLS
Picture of lady praying at the Wailing Wall from The World Race.
An organization to stop the s** trade in Thailand and around the world.
Imagine that challenge to love those women...one who would hit on your man to make a dollar.
Could YOU love HER? Yes, that is a WALL.
Ways Around Living & Loving Sacrifically
My heart has been breaking when I see women who keep to themselves out of fear from stepping out from behind their wall or beyond the perceived walls of others. I guess we can all give off that "air" from time to time but here is a crucial difference, an "us vs them", a "have and have not" scenario - when you know Christ, if you know Christ - HIS love should reach beyond all walls real or perceived. We should follow His example.
He is the only demolition expert when it comes to relational walls. He is the only one able to tear down every brick and mortar, hay, mud, etc wall on the face of this earth in order that His love may be freely given and received. He was there when Jericho's walls came crumbling down! He was there when the veil was torn! He was - correction HE IS HERE! Here to remove all our walls, our pain, our dirt, our hurt, and all that we desire to cover up, protect, and secure....HE unveiled His presence to us to live in us and share HIS love through us.
The next time you see someone trying desperately not to be noticed in your church, in your city, in your school - WELCOME THEM. The next time you see someone blending in with the wall paper MAKE EYE CONTACT. The next time you see _________________________ (anyone) SHARE HIS LOVE.
This is just my conviction but perhaps when you, who read this, see me trying to be the woodwork, just might give me a smile or a hug. Just maybe we will all reach out and UNVEIL HIS LOVE.
Abiding Still,
Monday, May 31, 2010
Book Review: Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts

The chronological geographically demographics in this book are amazing! My need to know the time and place is answered specifically here in each chapter. I know that in order to have true knowledge of the Bible you need faith that it is God’s word, but when you have foundational knowledge it can deepen God’s truth in your everyday life. Factual knowledge of the places and people in God’s word enhances the faith of each individual and is essential to the nurturing of the relationship with our Savior.
In each era and through each prophet a truth of God was tested in their belief systems and woven into the chords of their hearts and minds. God sets out for His truth to be revealed in many lives and for all time.
I received this book through Thomas Nelson’s Book Sneeze program for Bloggers. I was not paid to or encouraged to give a positive review but upon utilizing this book I was compelled. I pray you enjoy it in your studies as I have and will continue to do.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Eh hem.....Is this thing on?
Howdy! I can't believe that I actually remembered how to begin a new post!!!
I have missed this and missed the meme's and the eFellowship like you cannot believe! In the last 4 months a lot of wonderful things have been going on....lots of lessons learned....more experiences....more ideas...and now here I am with post open and I got nothing! L-O-L. But not really, truly I have way toooo much and just don't know where to begin! So I will start with today!
Today is my husband's birthday!
He doesn't like me telling everyone (when he can hear it) so I thought I would shout it out all over the internet!
Happy Birthday Kip!
Our cruise a while back!
Next you will see that I have made some "HYSTERICAL" road stops along the way!
This is my son! Note the shirt! We are crazy...and it is for HIM!
And now (not that I am not proud of the other two BUT......) my daughter who has been playing golf for 2 years made it to Regionals and made a showing in her district! We are so proud of her and how hard she has been working! I will have more on that journey later; there are some hilarious moments to share!
Well that's all folks! More later when I have more time!
Tootles I gotta scootles!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My First Flashback Friday!

I love Mocha drinks! Don't you? Well since I adore Mocha - usually skinny mocha's when I'm trying to be good - I thought I would join in this week for Flashback Friday @ Mocha with Linda!!! But her Mocha is far more rich and much less fattening to the body - but boy oh boy does it nourish the soul!!! (And help with memory loss on Fridays!!)
Join our favorite foo-foo drink, Mocha Linda and her Flashback Friday - share your memories, maybe even embarrass yourself, but definitely join in on the fun!!!
Linda asks, "If you have a child in your life, your calendar for April and May is probably quickly filling up with end-of-year activities - performances, recitals, etc. Did you take lessons as a child? Piano or another instrument? Gymnastics or dance? Other types of lessons? Were they weekly? How much were you required to practice between lessons? Did you participate in recitals? If so, do any of them stand out in your memory? Did they foster a love or a hate for that activity? Did you want to take lessons in a certain thing that you never got to? And if you have kids now, how did your experiences with taking lessons like these impact the activities you had/have them do?"
As a child I took twirling lessons! I had my baton up until I was 20 and it disappeared in transit from my aunt's house to my new one with my hubby.:( But it was a lot of fun! Me in my pink leotard with sequence and my Dorothy Hamil hair cut! I learned the famous newby twirls like "Lick the Icecream Cone" "Crazy 8's" and how to toss it a little in the air. I only remember one recital and I was nervous!! I think secretly I have always been able to dance but just too embarrassed to do it in front of others.
I liked twirling at Eisenhower's School of Twirling in Corpus Christi, TX, but I also played Laguna Little Miss Kickball! I was on the Meadowlarks and I did not see that they still had a team....guess we broke the mold!!! L-O-L!!!
Well, I could not continue to play both so, I was presented with a choice to twirl or to kick.... I chose kickball. I had fun, lots of fun, but I do wish I had picked twirling because it would have added more to me. I was not, am not, and will never be athletic. I am competitive but not athletic. As a matter of fact my competitions consisted of the Texas Bluebonnet Reading Awards!!! I still have my certificates some where!! lol
Anywho, because of making, what I believe to be, The Wrong Choice, it did affect the way I handle it with my kids. First of all, we always finish what we start at least for the season. Secondly, they do get to choose but I lay out all the details to make sure they look ahead and not just to "today" and how they "feel" today.
My daughter has asked me why I did not make her continue ballet, and I had to tell her she was convinced she was a "tomboy". She has the strength, courage, and endurance of one but she is girly through and through. I always knew it and around 14 she figured it out too. "Mama, always knows." She played softball for years and we tried to talk her into golf....she started playing a year and half ago and she is getting really good! Now she asks us why we did not force her to play golf then....she would hate it now like softball. The child has more athletic talent in her little pinky than I do in my whole body!! She was a cheerleader for 3 years, played volleyball for 4, and then at 16 she gave all of it up for GOLF! Go figure.... Now on Monday and Tuesday she will be in San Angelo at REGIONALS!!!!!!!!
My son has played football, t-ball, baseball, and golf. He was going to play basketball but cut his toe through the bone on 12/31/2003, he had just turned 5. He jumped off a piano bench backwards and it cut right through!!! He is fine but never played basketball. He has golfed since he was 6, but his love for it began the minute he knew how to work the remote. He was mesmorized by the golf channel. Most kids find their way to Disney or cartoon channels - he found the Golf Channel. This is not a joke! The kid at 2 1/2 was watching golf intently and that was the only channel he knew how to find. I don't know how he found it; perhaps golf found him!
Post your answers on your blog, then come go to Linda's blog and link up then visit other participating bloggers!
This was a blast - fun and from the past!!!
Abiding Still,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
If God were to paint His grace, what color would HE use?
If Spring represents renewal, new growth, and a fresh perspective then I would say that God would definitely use blue to color His grace! God's grace is as abundant as the blue skies in Texas and the blankets of Bluebonnets that cover our ground like His robe of righteousness!!!
You know I often feel like a wildflower! It looks a lot like a weed doesn't it? It grows quickly and the bloom doesn't seem to last very long at all. But because of God's grace no matter how "weedy" I may look at times He promises a wonderful blossom for me! He will crown the top of this wild, weedlike head of mine with a magnificent blossom to show His glory!
I don't know about you but I am so glad that His grace is blue!
I wish I could tell you that I took these marvelous snapshots of God's Masterpiece but a wonderful lady at my church took these just outside of Llano, Tx. I stole them from her Facebook!!! I plan to go to a Bluebonnet Festival in Ennis, Tx soon and I plan on taking a day with my camera and pulling over every chance I get to capture the wonderment that is spring in Texas!
Now it would not be appropriate, being a Texan and all, if I did not state this observation....
looking at these pictures and thinking of God's Grace.....Don't it make your brown eyes blue?
Glory To God
Abiding Still,
Seriously Random, Randomly Serious Questions of the Random Dozen!

1. How do you feel about "Gladiator" sandals, also called "Roman" or "Jesus" sandals? A fashion yea or nay?
Well usually after wearing "gladiator" "Jesus" sandals, I have blisters on my blisters and because there is no arch support my feet are screaming "ahhhhh the agony of duh-FEET!" That would be how I feel about them. :) But they sure are pretty! LOL
2. What is your favorite pizza?
Panjo's Pizza in Corpus Christi, TX - BTW, if you go I wanna go too!!! Then we can hang at Padre Island!!!
3. There are plans in the works to sell roughly 1,000 items from Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas. This means you could buy Picard's chair for your family room. If not a Star Trek item, what prop, background, set, etc. from what TV or movie would you buy if you could?
[Ex: Hurley's "I Love my Shih tzu" shirt from LOST, the plantation home "Tara" from Gone With the Wind, or Tracy's tambourine from the Partridge Family.]
From the Brady bunch - Marsha's hairbrush!! Just kidding
oooo the Pièce de résistance would be the Ferrari 308 GTS from Magnum PI!!!
I don't ask for much!!!
4. Name a local food or restaurant that your area is famous for.
We have a mexican restaurant in Fort Worth whose earliest advertisements were hung on the side of a donkey. This donkey was dropped off in downtown Fort Worth to advertise their wonderful (and still wonderful) tender corn tortillas that will make any flour tortilla lovin' mama weep! People would follow the donkey straight to the restaurant and enjoy a delicious handmade authentic mexican meal! And not to mention that the owner and creative genius behind this was a local Kingpin! Check out the Mexican Inn's site for accurate and precise details.
5. What is your current favorite snack?
Coconut Snowcone!
6. Hypothetical: You are required to be a reality show contestant. Which show would you choose based on your probability of success? (You cannot choose "none.")
A. Dancing with the Stars - This one. I don't often share what I can shake but I know its there....shhhh don't tell anyone else!
B. Biggest Loser - Nope Jillian scares me and my fat doesn't count as enough for this show! Hey it's something I'm too thin for!!! yay! I feel better already!
C. Survivor - Nuh-uh! Nope, No way! No how! Not gonna happen'!
7. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being uninhabitable and 10 being cleanliness that meets the standards of OCD, how clean is your vehicle's interior?
(7) It's clean enough for visitors but I'm constantly wiping and wiping. But it does need one of the machines you know that sucks up the stuff off the carpet....hmmm what is it called....I think mine is purple!
8. It doesn't feel like Spring until _________.
you see the seed of a pine tree fall on the putt line of Phil Mickelson!
9. Something that made you laugh really hard recently is ____.
when the president signed the "Health Reform Bill" which will drive up cost instead of decrease it and force citizens of the United States to purchase something and call it constitutional! I have seriously never laughed so hard, oh wait, that may have been uncontrollable sobbing...at that point it is so hard to tell!
or when a certain person of interest was rumored to be our next Supreme Court Justice - but see you have to be able to spell J-U-S-T-I-C-E first.
WAIT.....this may not be what you are asking.....hmmmmm...
Oh I know, when I told my daughter that the Bluebonnet Festival was near the Drag Strip in Ennis, TX, she totally went another direction....there was awkward silence then all out bursting forth laughter! If you don't get it then email me! lol
10. Tell me about a goal you're working toward.
I am working on some very important goals:
Short-term: Our ladies ministry, WOVEN Ministries, has a conference May 21, 22 and we are trying to get things wrapped up.
Mid-Term: Still writing that book and going to school for a degree in counseling.
ASAP - A "me" less several pounds!
11. Share a thought-provoking or inspiring quote this week.
From our class at church by Dr. Joy Neal, "Was there ever a time recorded where you find Jesus acting in only a human way?" (yes, it is a trick question.)
12. Name one thing that you do as a parent that you absolutely know will make your kids happy. If you're not a parent, feel free to substitute "friend" or nomenclature that works for you.
Unexpected acts at unexpected times....Playing in the snow after midnight, getting snowcones before bedtime, etc. They LOVE it!
And I keep a journal for each of them for unique and funny moments so they will have the memory later of something that touched me deeply and then share it with their children.
Wow Lid!!! This blew the "lid" off the top here! Great questions!!! I had a lot of fun especially since I can't sleep! lol
If you want to join in on the fun, hop on over to 2nd Cup of Coffee topped with a Lid, Linda that is!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Random Dozen - April

Thank you to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for continuing to host this meme! I have not had any time since beginning back to work a month ago to play along. So while I had a few I wanted to thank you and play!
1. Define a great relationship.
Relationships can all be great if Christ is the center and all that is HIM flows into each of you offering GRACE when needed, FORGIVENESS at all times (from both people especially since Christ is the center of this relationship), HUMOR at all times, APPRECIATION OF DIFFERENCES, THICK SKINS AND TENDER HEARTS (thank you Chel for that one, I'll never forget that quote). And, this is huge-massive-ginormous, when you can be yourself to the fullest with that person. No matter how serious or goofy you can get, you can be that with them without fear or aversion!
2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)
I bought my daughter WhatAburger and Chel at Legacy is going to freak over HOW it was ordered...Sara orders hers with ketchup, pickles, and cheese only. (Yes I said KETCHUP!!!) Why must-ard be people who don't order WhatAburger with mustard???
3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)
This actually is a hard question! I love my mini-schnauzer! Bogey (Casablanca's Bogart) is the most awesomest smartest dog evah! I dearly loved my Chow-Chow, China 1990-2005. She was the sweetest most respectful dog in the world. I love our Beagle, Jenny! She is ooey gooshy sweet - but she simply will not fully house train. She is about 12 or 13 now. And then there is Rufus! He is our Shepherd Chow mix. And talk about sugar sweet but just enough of the protective factor in him to get respect from everyone! We have been so blessed with dogs of wonderful disposition!!
4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?
I have lived outside of Texas twice and did not enjoy it much so I would have to state the obvious....Georgia. Chel-Chel my best friend and truly the closest thing to a sister this side of Heaven! I would love to live near her once more. We have been friends since she was three (nearly four) and I was four or turned it right away when we met. God kept us close in heart even when we lost touch. So Georgia it would hafta be!
5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
If I had the power to do so, I would have my father be a Christian and raise me in church. Then he would have been home more after my mom died when I was 11. Our relationship would have been greater sooner. And if I could change it, my mother would not have died of breast cancer in 1983. (yes that makes me 38 for all you math gurus.) :)
6. Who's the funniest person you know?
Most of all my daughter, Sara. She can be down right hilarious! (even if it is unintentional at times!!!)
7. Did you get enough sleep last night?
Don't bother me yet!........................ I have NOT had my 2nd Cup of coffee yet!!.....................
No really, it was nice and I awoke in enough time to actually COOK breakfast for the kids!
8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning?
"Lord, why do I have to wake up with a headache???"
9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY
Grilled! My belly and mouth do not do fried without a revolt!
10. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yes but then I turn on the LIGHT! (inside me that is)
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A psychologist. (Now I am going to school to do just that!)
12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose?
Bright (b/c of my hair not my brains) IDK my BFF Rose!
Please write your post, come back tomorrow after you've published it and link up so that others can come and visit you. Be sure to visit and encourage a few other people, too. It's the NICE thing to do!
Hey, ya'll hop on over to 2nd Cup with our love, Linda and join in on the Random Fun!
Abiding Still,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sometimes You're the Owner and other times You're the Donkey
I loved a post I read today at Leigh Gray's blog: http://leighhargisgray.blogspot.com/2010/03/815-does-it-matter.html. for a paraphrase: "We need to be focused and quit trying to see the forest and the trees and just look to the Cross and our Savior", well said Leigh, well said!
But what hit me was my title while reading her post: Sometimes we are the owner doing the action and other times we are just the donkey. We may not get a treat for what we do or endure but we do deliver the Savior! We may not get approval, recognition, or even a mere mention in the footnotes but WE GET TO DEIVER THE SAVIOR!
The donkey seems down right ridiculous doesn't he? I can relate! And the rancher seems so dignified and full of purpose. He knows what he IS SUPPOSED TO DO and does it without question and without doubt! and I'm jealous for that feeling. I want to know but today I don't so just call me Donkey.
hmmm.....but my flesh still screams at times. "Hee Haw Hee Haw" and be careful not to go behind me....
But still it occurred to me after listening to one of the Jesus, The One and Only videos during one of our Beth Moore studies as she quoted Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie had been asked about how she dealt with the fame etc and she pointed the audience to the imagery of the donkey Jesus rode triumphantly into the city and told them that "the donkey knew that all the cheering wasn't for him". So humble she was! And Beth gets told all the time that she looks a lot like Beth Moore. hmmm. Anyway, I digress.
Leigh hits a nerve for me today. No bad at all but hit it nonetheless! If I had a tree or forest I may have already taken off so today its a good thing that perhaps I am without a doubt The Donkey! (yes you may say it like Shrek if you know the voice!)
We can go about our lives just standing there and before you know it there is all this "stuff" going on around us or in donkey terms, another hill to climb with no watering hole - you followin' me?
So you tired you are worn out and you had just finally got some much needed rest then you would like to go and graze and do your own thing but your owner has just stopped you in your tracks (the donkey was tied to a pole remember.) You don't realize that you are about to be used for such a glorious task but while tied up you kick and scream and do all kinds of "hee-hawin'"... then BAM! You are untied and led into an unknown territory for an unknown purpose. (Now realistically THIS donkey may have known his purpose but for today because I'm not sure we will assume he was as clueless as I am! Ok ok )
So with this economy, your insecurities, your doubts, and yes your fits....how do you relate today?
Tell me please. Maybe we can all lead each other into greener pastures while following HIM together!
Abiding Still,
But what hit me was my title while reading her post: Sometimes we are the owner doing the action and other times we are just the donkey. We may not get a treat for what we do or endure but we do deliver the Savior! We may not get approval, recognition, or even a mere mention in the footnotes but WE GET TO DEIVER THE SAVIOR!
"One of these things is not like the other!"
The donkey seems down right ridiculous doesn't he? I can relate! And the rancher seems so dignified and full of purpose. He knows what he IS SUPPOSED TO DO and does it without question and without doubt! and I'm jealous for that feeling. I want to know but today I don't so just call me Donkey.
hmmm.....but my flesh still screams at times. "Hee Haw Hee Haw" and be careful not to go behind me....
But still it occurred to me after listening to one of the Jesus, The One and Only videos during one of our Beth Moore studies as she quoted Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie had been asked about how she dealt with the fame etc and she pointed the audience to the imagery of the donkey Jesus rode triumphantly into the city and told them that "the donkey knew that all the cheering wasn't for him". So humble she was! And Beth gets told all the time that she looks a lot like Beth Moore. hmmm. Anyway, I digress.
Leigh hits a nerve for me today. No bad at all but hit it nonetheless! If I had a tree or forest I may have already taken off so today its a good thing that perhaps I am without a doubt The Donkey! (yes you may say it like Shrek if you know the voice!)
We can go about our lives just standing there and before you know it there is all this "stuff" going on around us or in donkey terms, another hill to climb with no watering hole - you followin' me?
So you tired you are worn out and you had just finally got some much needed rest then you would like to go and graze and do your own thing but your owner has just stopped you in your tracks (the donkey was tied to a pole remember.) You don't realize that you are about to be used for such a glorious task but while tied up you kick and scream and do all kinds of "hee-hawin'"... then BAM! You are untied and led into an unknown territory for an unknown purpose. (Now realistically THIS donkey may have known his purpose but for today because I'm not sure we will assume he was as clueless as I am! Ok ok )
So with this economy, your insecurities, your doubts, and yes your fits....how do you relate today?
Tell me please. Maybe we can all lead each other into greener pastures while following HIM together!
Abiding Still,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Some Days.....
God sends His love in obvious ways,
God send His love in the way of stranger,
and God sends His love in ways that are stranger still,
Sometimes He sends it through a barista carrying a Dark Cherry Mocha!!!!
and Some Days Are Just TASTY!! Really!! Mocha-licious!!!!
I met a lady this morning who went from stranger to sister in nuthin' flat!!! Finding a sister in the Lord is just a marvelous thing and when they are kindred in spirit even sweeter!!!
Ever had a moment like that???
Sure you have, just our vision is clouded at times.
Another thing today, a barista at starbucks offered me another sample of their fabulous Dark Cherry Mocha (which TOTALLY ROCKS!!!) it was "piping hot" and she thought I would like it better than the first sample, then she said it had 5 shots of dark cherry instead of 3! YUMMEEEEE!
THEN, yes there's more blessings in store,
...then after I said I could not wait to get one tomorrow she said, "You're gonna get a grande tomorrow? Well, I will be sure to put extra love in it then!!!"
God is soooo good, just taste and see, sometimes He is flavored as Dark Cherry Mocha!!!
***Edit: The same adorable barista was working this morning and I got a high-five for showing up! She (HE) made my morning once a agin and it was gooooooood!
Abiding Still,
God send His love in the way of stranger,
and God sends His love in ways that are stranger still,
Sometimes He sends it through a barista carrying a Dark Cherry Mocha!!!!
and Some Days Are Just TASTY!! Really!! Mocha-licious!!!!
I met a lady this morning who went from stranger to sister in nuthin' flat!!! Finding a sister in the Lord is just a marvelous thing and when they are kindred in spirit even sweeter!!!
Ever had a moment like that???
Sure you have, just our vision is clouded at times.
Another thing today, a barista at starbucks offered me another sample of their fabulous Dark Cherry Mocha (which TOTALLY ROCKS!!!) it was "piping hot" and she thought I would like it better than the first sample, then she said it had 5 shots of dark cherry instead of 3! YUMMEEEEE!
THEN, yes there's more blessings in store,
...then after I said I could not wait to get one tomorrow she said, "You're gonna get a grande tomorrow? Well, I will be sure to put extra love in it then!!!"
God is soooo good, just taste and see, sometimes He is flavored as Dark Cherry Mocha!!!
***Edit: The same adorable barista was working this morning and I got a high-five for showing up! She (HE) made my morning once a agin and it was gooooooood!
Abiding Still,
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