Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Dozen: 2nd Cup of Coffee (Meme W/O a Theme)

1. When you go to Wowmart, what one thing do you get every single time, besides a funky-wheeled squeaking cart full of frustration? I have to say I do not think I have EVER come out of Wowmart with one single solitary thing ~ it always has company. But the most important is Toilet Paper, I like mine squeezibly soft!

2. What is something that people are currently "into" that you just don't get or appreciate? I do not and will not understand"Adult cartoons," like the ones with rude ugly babies. I just don't understand the humor in it at all. And they claim to be for "mature" audiences only. HA! in what galaxy?? lol

3. What is something that really hoists your sail that other people might feel "ho-hum" about?  Well since Chel said old books first and beat me to this meme, I will have to think of something else. :-) I would have to say that most of my friends do not get the "blogging" thing at all. I love my bloggy (e-side) friends because those that are sea-side (my home town) and those on the 3-D (live and in living color) side would rather just play with facebook. lol But I am finding some awesome church members lately on the e-side!!!

4. Favorite song to sing in the shower or car? This is so not a fair question!! I have to pick!!! I can't I must give more: Motions by Matthew West and Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath AND EVERY SONG on this album by Tenth Avenue North Oh and Speaking Louder by Jeremy Camp and well any song by that man!!

5. A really great salad must have this ingredient: kalamata olives! I luh-uh-uh-uh-uhve greek salads ~ typed with a Texas accent!!!

6. Advice in a nutshell to new bloggers (one or two sentences): Keep on typing. I started an entire blog around a meme last year and it has yet to go any where. Perhaps I will rethink a format for it to make it easier to find words. BUT, I am writing it to praise God and make His name famous not mine.  He will send out His name in His time. Just hang in there if you have no following, perhaps you need to see if you even remembered to put the "Follow Me" widget there! I am following people who do not have one. Go to your profile and click on words in your boxes to find others like-minded.

7. What was the alternate name that your parents almost named you? Do you wish they had chosen it instead of the one they gave you? Lori Jean (girl) OR David Michael (if I was a boy). No, and I am glad I am a girl. I like my name "Rachele" even if I always get called Rachel which is a pretty name but you say my name like this: take Russia and shell without the ia and it is Ruhshell. Rachele. (one L and the ch is sh). Ok I'm done. lol (ps. my dad liked Raquel Welch and I am still trying to figure out how he got Rachele out of it. hmmm) I like this question best! My mom died in 1983 and I have a letter she wrote while pregnant with me and this is how I know this.

8. What in your life are you waiting for? I am waiting to get myself in gear and finish my book, the first of a series titled Journey With the Nail Scarred Hands!! I'm going to have a huge 3-D side, Sea-Side and E-side party when I am published!! (psst...Mary I will pay it forward!! Promise!) ~ see next answer...(ps. Linda, I like how you did not say EARTH! I almost gave a "Sunday school" answer!!)

9. You get a package in the mail. What is it, and who is it from? My wondiferlous package contains a book!! See I am an "influencer" yes you read that right. I am soooo special!! Someone who barely knows me loves me: When I open this glourious box, it contains the long awaited book titled Slow Burn by Mary DeMuth. I gave her my address today and I cannot wait to brag on her once again!!! Daisy Chain is first and it captured all of my attention and got us all talking! (or my daughter's TOMS shoes because she is driving me crazy for them.)

10. Today--what song represents you? Free to Be Me by Francesca Battistelli. I'm tearing up now just thinking about how free we truly are in God and how Francesca has really hit the note on the head! ~I meant to say note and not nail.

11. What is one thing that blogging has taught you about yourself? I am always in too big of a hurry!! I learned I really desire to write all-day-long!! I love to speak and write and it has really penetrated me heart's desire to do it all day every day!! This blog in particular reminds me of my two weeks in Brazil where I saw God move in a sovereign and mighty way. It also reminds me to daily realize it is all up to Him; all I must do is Abide in Him!

12. How are you going to (or how did you) choose the clothes you're wearing today? What do they say about you in general or specifically how you're feeling today? First, it must fit and that is no small task, no sticky bun intended. 2nd, my clothes will reveal that I feel great and I am ready to meet the world!

This was a blast, I think I will have a 2nd Cup!! Ok, maybe not since it is 1:10 AM!!! I am glad that the only Lid on Linda is her blog spellings because no one should ever put a lid on her!! I highly encourage you to do this. At first I thought, "WOW I just don't know," but then the answers just kept coming and coming as you can see because I don't know the meaning of ONE!

Please leave me a comment if you are going to do this but link back over to 2nd Cup of Coffee and let Linda know you are participating in her Random Dozen!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Yes, the paper products. They rule.

About #2: I hate it when people take innocent things like Sesame Street and turn it into an "adult" version.

Love "Give Me Your Eyes."

Didn't know you were writing a book. How exciting!

Thanks for playing along, Rashida. Just kidding!

Mary DeMuth said...

Thanks for highlighting A Slow Burn! I hope you enjoy it.

Dena said...

Great answers, and great advice!!

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

You go beyond silly, you know that? Funny girl.

I'm with you on the "adult" cartoons. Gross.

"Give Me Your Eyes" (big heart-love it), and thanks for turning me on to Tenth Avenue North...listen to them on my ipod often. :-)

SOOOOO with you on the kalamata olives, even though I said fruit. Love fruit in a salad. Unless it's Greek. Opa!

Soooo looking forward to reading Mary's books. Very intriguing...

Love you girl!