...ATT for offering a fairly low price on text messages. My daughter had a grand total of 10834 messages for last month's bill. Ten thousand eight hundred thirty four text messages! Seriously? How is this possible and still do school work, play golf, have family time, church, etc. How how how?
I truly don't know but I am worried that this generation will not know how to carry on a decent conversation with people face to face. So with this amazing technology what will be next?
I have the iPhone and it totally rocks. I love Apple and I love the Genius's at the Apple Store, they rock too!! I have had so much fun with phone but I have not broken 200 on messages to my knowledge.
I am still in shock and I am so grateful we have unlimited messages otherwise this bill would not work out for us and I would have to sell my first born and her inheritance! Well that would be the text queen herself.
Once again, I am thankful because it could have been more than a laugh in this house with that number of messages. But since I am out of work AGAIN, I told her to have fun because although I can't cancel phones, I can cancel phone "stuff" to save money. YIKES!!
I wonder if there is a 12 step program for texters and if there is a place where they can go through their withdrawals. There is one thing I know for sure us Moms have to unite!
Wonder Moms Unite - Mom Power!!!
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