FOR TODAY June 10, 2009
Outside my window the sky is exhibiting its intense power with electrical magnificence. The soft tapping of pea sized hail is hitting my window and I should probably not be on the computer.
I am thinking that 4:45 is coming early tomorrow, but it is going to be great to sleep during the storms.
I am thankful for avoiding the severity of the storms about me by the protection of the Lord Almighty.
From the kitchen the aroma of the evening meal is still delicately stirring in the evening air.
From the learning rooms it seems that some lessons must be learned over and over and over. I want to get it right this time! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (thank you Paul and thank you Jesus!)
I am wearing a comfy gray t-shirt given to me by my orthodontist for being such a great patient! (Yea!!! Dr. Montoya!)
I am creating an atmosphere of relaxation prior to turning out the lights and slipping off into a night’s rest.
I am going to be leaving early for Dallas tomorrow morning with my kids for their North Texas Jr. PGA golf tournament.
I am reading, Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George with a friend. So far it is molding my mind and shaping my thoughts to be more like HIS!
I am hoping that we will have our house repairs done by summer’s end.
I am hearing the roll of thunder as the second storm has settled upon my town. The rain is crashing upon my roof like ocean waves on the shore.
Around the house there are signs of life from a frisky little puppy and all his toys, an active 10 year old, and sweet 16 year old.
One of my favorite things is having a relationship with Jesus Christ! That is merely an understatement but it is by far my most favorite of all!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Saturday I am attending a Christian writer’s conference in Roanoke, TX. Next week will be housed in Central Texas for my son’s national tournament. Golfing and camping - you cannot beat it!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...This is a baby Mockingbird, one of two that were born in my holly bush and learned to fly in my front yard. Their parents were protective, but these little guys were too adorable to avoid. They have flown away now so if you read previous posts about my Real Life Hitchcock Experience you will be glad to know that my yard is safe once more....and so are the birds.
Please allow me to thank Peggy Hostetler...creator of 'The Simple Woman's Daybook' for sharing her ideas with us all and allowing us to participate!
Thank you Peggy!!! Please visit her site to learn more on how you may participate as well.
In Christ,
Chel, welcome to the world of Simple Daybooks :-) I SO enjoyed your first foray into the fun :-D (okay... I think I'm addicted to smiley faces and exclamation points - need a 12 step program!)
I'm glad you were safe from the storms. Was even happier that central Texas never had any last week while I was there ;-) I am horribly afraid of thunderstorms. My grandparents' house (next door to my own) was hit by lightening when I was a kid - I can still see it in my memory after all these years). How can you sleep through them? Perhaps you get used to them living in the South.
Reading your entry today made me think that I really need to spend some time this summer reading some good Christian non-fiction alongside my fiction. I think it's time for God and me to go deeper. Your Elisabeth George book sounds good!
Hugs to you :-)
Your sweet bird picture is beautiful...
Thanks for your encouragement to abide in HIM, there is no other place to abide that tops HIM!
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