OK people my self-esteem is at all time low and I need encouragement!! So send it my way!!
But I have to tell you that I can still laugh at myself!!
Today I sat in a meeting and I asked stupid, I mean important questions. Like where is "so & so" etc. I guess it was obvious or something but I really did not know. Anyway, I had a thought...I am a blond joke waiting to happen, asking stupid questions all the while drinking Smart Water.....oh if there was only a song like "Let's hear it for the boys..." but had words aptly chosen for poor little me. I guess that "She's a maniac" may work.....
Anyone ever been in a tunnel??? Does your family like to honk in it? Well mine does and I think that is encouraging because as you move from blinding sun to darkness or darkness to blinding lights the honk is a great indicator that you are on the right path instead of in the open spaces where the horn indicates you are on the WRONG path. lol
If you have some horns you can honk them my way today as I am in a tunnel!!
Now I will tell you more about the name of my blog............simply because it relates to my current circumstances as well - I am just a branch and I must abide in the Vine!
While in Brazil the term was coined because my uncle, Uncle Brother John, led our devotionals before and at the end of each day. We prepared for each journey knowing that all we do is abide. Well one gentleman and myself(who think entirely too much alike - scary!) started coming up with songs about being a branch - just a branch - I'm a branch - etc. We had several tunes in our heads and played a little red light/green light too. We would freeze a little like "walking like an Egyptian" and yell, "I'm a branch!"
One of my favorites was to the tune of a song where you sing: Baby Jaws doot doot doot doot, baby jaws doot doot doot doot, mama jaws doot doot, you get the point. (Linda I should have done this one on video you guys are missing my animation!! I will admit that I am VERY animated!)
I'm a branch doot doot doot doot
I'm a branch doot doot doot doot
I'm a branch doot doot doot doot
Hangin on the vine doot doot doot doot
On the vine doot doot doot doot
On the vine doot doot doot doot
Just abiding my time doot doot doot doot
Abiding time doot doot doot doot
Abiding time doot doot doot doot
I'm A Branch!
Love to all,
Chel - An Abiding Branch
Oh dear Sister! I love it, I know exactly what song you are talking about...the first time I heard it was my son singing it to me after cubscout camp...I'd love to see the video- so fun and cute, thanks for your openeness!
God is quiet sometimes! He is just working out His good work in us as He watches us grow.
Know this... You are Loved, You are blessed, chosen, forgiven, adopted, accepted, redeemed! Believe it... I did Believing God over 1 yr and a 1/2 ago, and I picked up the Believing God book (not workbook) Beth wrote over the weekend and I'm enjoying it all over again. But this is what I got today... This is a lifestyle, not what I feel but what I do. I am who God says I am...AMEN!
His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path!
Love ya!
Silly girl, doots are for kids!!
hee hee
We used to sing the Baby Shark (that's what we said) when I used to serve in the Youth Dept. in Texas...fun times.
I could sing that song in my head right along with you, you branch, you. LOVE YA!!!!
you are a blessing Chel ") marina
I have no idea what this song is, but I'd pay good money to see it animated. Just kidding. No money, I just re-did the kitchen. But the sentiment is still there. Honey, I'm a blonde, too. The world would be so boring without us. I think a good word for you is "ebullient," \ih-BUL-yuhnt\, adjective:
1. Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. Boiling up or over. In other words, you, my dear, are a bubbly blonde because God made you that way!
I hope you all know that I am not trying to "fish" for compliments I am on the brink of insanity. You know the song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth," well I sing, "All I want for Christimas is a padded room...". lol
I love each of you! Thank you so much for listening to my ramblings. I have a very tough road ahead of me. Not cancer or anything like that, cancer may even be easier than this!
just checking in on you ") marina
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