Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Memories!! I have found a high school journal from English class

The journal requirement for the day was not recorded but I thought I would share my treasure which was uncovered!!! God is so good!


Dear Michelle,

Our friendship is the longest and the best in my heart; it will always last. I haven't had much time lately to sit down and think or pick up the phone and call you. I'm so very sorry. It's like the poem I wrote you a few years back "You are my Best Friend." My mind has been so cluttered lately, you know what packing up my whole life always does to me. Well I just thought I could tell you once more how much I love you. We have been through good times and bad. You have helped me through my mother's death and through all the petty details of our adolescent lives (present day note: we were 17!! lol). You are the sister I could never have. It's really strange how we lose touch but then all the sudden be spending a lot of time together. Our destiny was to be friends and remain friends forever. I'll never forget you as long as I live. God hold so much in store for all of us and I wish for you to accomplish all you have planned for yourself. God bless you. Kiss mom and dad for me. I love you.

Best Friends Forever,

So, I called Michelle (Chel Leaving a Legacy) and cried while I read this to her. Now the irony is that God did have plans for us and it was not what we had planned at all. I was living like a heathen trampling all over the grace Christ had bestowed upon me and she did not even know my savior. God again in his infinite grace saw to it no matter where we lived we would remain friends. Now He allows us to proclaim His word and His name to others together!! We serve through an organization we founded in 2003 called WOVEN Ministries. We are Women Of the Vine Equipping Nations, to encourage, unite, equip, and GO!

What a Legacy we leave when unto the Lord God we cleave!!!

We are too blessed for words by our Lord and I am grateful He has chosen us and chosen us to serve Him together!


1 comment:

Sue said...

That is SO cool! God is good :-D