Monday, March 15, 2010

Sometimes You're the Owner and other times You're the Donkey

 I loved a post I read today at Leigh Gray's blog: for a paraphrase: "We need to be focused and quit trying to see the forest and the trees and just look to the Cross and our Savior", well said Leigh, well said!

But what hit me was my title while reading her post: Sometimes we are the owner doing the action and other times we are just the donkey. We may not get a treat for what we do or endure but we do deliver the Savior! We may not get approval, recognition, or even a mere mention in the footnotes but WE GET TO DEIVER THE SAVIOR!


"One of these things is not like the other!"

The donkey seems down right ridiculous doesn't he? I can relate! And the rancher seems so dignified and full of purpose. He knows what he IS SUPPOSED TO DO and does it without question and without doubt! and I'm jealous for that feeling. I want to know but today I don't so just call me Donkey.

hmmm.....but my flesh still screams at times. "Hee Haw Hee Haw" and be careful not to go behind me.... 

But still it occurred to me after listening to one of the Jesus, The One and Only videos during one of our Beth Moore studies as she quoted Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie had been asked about how she dealt with the fame etc and she pointed the audience to the imagery of the donkey Jesus rode triumphantly into the city and told them that "the donkey knew that all the cheering wasn't for him". So humble she was! And Beth gets told all the time that she looks a lot like Beth Moore. hmmm. Anyway, I digress.

Leigh hits a nerve for me today. No bad at all but hit it nonetheless! If I had a tree or forest I may have already taken off so today its a good thing that perhaps I am without a doubt The Donkey! (yes you may say it like Shrek if you know the voice!)

We can go about our lives just standing there and before you know it there is all this "stuff" going on around us or in donkey terms, another hill to climb with no watering hole - you followin' me?

So you tired you are worn out and you had just finally got some much needed rest then you would like to go and graze and do your own thing but your owner has just stopped you in your tracks (the donkey was tied to a pole remember.) You don't realize that you are about to be used for such a glorious task but while tied up you kick and scream and do all kinds of "hee-hawin'"... then BAM! You are untied and led into an unknown territory for an unknown purpose. (Now realistically THIS donkey may have known his purpose but for today because I'm not sure we will assume he was as clueless as I am! Ok ok )

So with this economy, your insecurities, your doubts, and yes your do you relate today?
Tell me please. Maybe we can all lead each other into greener pastures while following HIM together!

Abiding Still,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some Days.....

God sends His love in obvious ways,
God send His love in the way of stranger,
and God sends His love in ways that are stranger still,
Sometimes He sends it through a barista carrying a Dark Cherry Mocha!!!!

and Some Days Are Just TASTY!! Really!! Mocha-licious!!!!

I met a lady this morning who went from stranger to sister in nuthin' flat!!! Finding a sister in the Lord is just a marvelous thing and when they are kindred in spirit even sweeter!!!

Ever had a moment  like that???
Sure you have, just our vision is clouded at times.

Another thing today, a barista at starbucks offered me another sample of their fabulous Dark Cherry Mocha (which TOTALLY ROCKS!!!) it was "piping hot" and she thought I would like it better than the first sample, then she said it had 5 shots of dark cherry instead of 3! YUMMEEEEE!

THEN, yes there's more blessings in store,

...then after I said I could not wait to get one tomorrow she said, "You're gonna get a grande tomorrow? Well, I will be sure to put extra love in it then!!!"

 God is soooo good, just taste and see, sometimes He is flavored as Dark Cherry Mocha!!!

***Edit: The same adorable barista was working this morning and I got a high-five for showing up! She (HE) made my morning once a agin and it was gooooooood!

Abiding Still,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Project 365: Post Up. lol Catchin Up

******edit**** I left Sara out!! I'm so sorry!!!

thank you thank you thank you Sara at Make Music from your heart to the Lord for creating and hosting this fabulous release!!! Thank you Sara!!

I have good reason for being behind, I GOT A JOB! I had been out of work just two weeks shy of one full year - yeah I know. ARG! So we have had a few photo worthy moments although I have been unable to take a picture everyday. So I hope you enjoy what I was able to capture.

We had three snow days since I posted last. One then two in a row. It was fun and gorgeous!

This one may be our next Christmas pic for our cards. :)

Fallen branch that will like lead to an insurance claim. ARG.
Bogey loves to chase balls so he chased snow balls!!! :)

Reece and his best bud!

Smiling Bogey!

This little boy wanted me to take his picture! Could you have resisted??? Me neither!! lol Obviously.

leaping boys!

My Birthday gifts and cake!! yay me

Madisa!! the Feminar in Longview, TX rocked!!
She was wonderful here she is sharing her testimony and below she is singing.
Lysa Terkeurst and Janet White were wonderful speakers.
Janet made us all blush again with her "- - -" talk to us married ladies! whew.
Same time next year: last weekend in February!!! I would love to see you there!

Sorry for the photo overload!! Just had to catch up.

Abiding Still,

So Long Insecurity.....Ch. 7 & 8

Boy-oh-boy ladies! Chapters 7 & 8 made me realize why I LOVE LOVE LOVE I love Lucy! That woman had us to face our insecurities from so many different perspectives. I think this is why she is still endearing to a lot of women today, she got it, she understood it, much like the stories Beth shared with us in chapter 7. I related - I laughed - I cried - I sighed - then I laughed thinking of Lucy. That woman (well the character anyway) was eat-up-with-it as our Siesta Mama would say. Eat up I tell ya!

I looked into the mirror for the perspective of Christ and today He spoke a very familiar Word to me. Some of us name our "insecurity" "humility" I know I have done it. Probably a lot of us have. It is down right viral and Jesus is our inoculation! Humility was explained to me this way: Humility is not thinking LESS OF ourselves but less OFTEN. You are supposed to put others first but not due to your fear to step out but for and in reverence to the Lord.

I love that Beth shows us that our dignity is stolen from us. (sometimes right before our eyes I might add)

Insecurity has robbed me of way too much! Quality time with friends and family and that is partially because others also struggle and have to bring you down in order to lift themselves up. The other side to it is that I believed it then threw a pity party and became one with my sofa. I love that sofa but as much as it is great to take a nap on it doesn't make a very good best friend.

Insecurity has led me to believe lies of the enemy especially when it comes out of the mouths of those you have trusted and loved. Seriously, insecurity has made me doubt my calling in the Lord even while in the act of doing it!!! Enough already!

See the sad thing is that this awful word and concept (Insecurity) has been nursed in the business world to compel us to be better than the others. It has been fueled in such a way to make us fear the wrong person or thing - it has blatantly created idols in our hearts!!! Yikes!

To read personal thoughts from many others and from our Siesta Mama herself check out her blog:

 I can't wait to post and read on the LPM blog! These two chapters were full of ups and downs for those of us still dying to break free from it.

Abiding Still,